Neural Network-Based Path Loss Model for Cellular Mobile Networks at 800 to 1800 MHz Bands

  • Moamen Alnatoor University of Adrar, Algeria
  • Mohammed Omari
  • Mohammed Kaddi
Keywords: Mobile Networks (GSM), Predictive Models, Artificial Neural Networks.


Nowadays, the need for more mobility and to be able to share or exchange information at any time, using mobile devices (cell phones, laptops); but the problems in the communication system may make that really hard, the most serious problem is the loss of information in the links between the transmitter and the receiver. Many models have been madeĀ  to predict coverage using so-called propagation models. But the models characterizing the losses are semi-empirical models incapable of giving a satisfying results in all cases. The purpose of this paper is to propose an applicable model based on artificial intelligence techniques. Our experiments showed a encouraging prediction resultsĀ  in rural and suburban environments.
